How to Fix Leaking Balconies
The experts guide to diagnosing and repairing balcony leaks.
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Balcony leaks are notoriously hard to diagnose
The ever increasing popularity of balconies and the thousands upon thousands of apartment towers that have been constructed over the last couple of decades, mean that balcony leaks are one of the most common issues homeowners and builders have to deal with.
'It's the membrane mate'
When a balcony is leaking, most people jump to the conclusion that the membrane must've failed. They spend thousands of dollars ripping up tiles, re-waterproofing and retiling, only to find that when the next downpour comes, it's still leaking.
So they move on to the next 'obvious' solution, again and again. Costs spiral out of control and still the problem doesn't get fixed.
'In my experience diagnosing and repairing leaking balconies – 75% of the time it isn't the membrane'
Martin Speller, Leak Detection and Rectification Expert
Learn how to diagnose and repair balcony leaks quickly and cost-effectively
Like everything, Leak Diagnosis demands specialist expertise – expertise that most of us don’t learn at trade school or on the job.
By completing this course you will get the skills and tried and tested processes you need to diagnose and repair the source of a balcony leak. Leading Australian Leak Diagnosis and Rectification Professional Martin Speller will share his proven approach, processes, knowledge and tools developed and refined over twenty years with you.
You will learn
+ The most COMMON CAUSES of balcony leaks +
+ What to look for and how to carry out an EFFECTIVE INSPECTION +
+ How to PINPOINT the EXACT CAUSE through proper diagnosis +
+ The different REPAIR methods and options +.
+ How to TEST BEFORE and AFTER repairs +
Everything you need to diagnose and repair a balcony leak
– quickly and cost effectively.
The course and learning materials have been carefully constructed to provide building professionals and homeowners with the tools and processes needed to identify the source of the leak and fix it – once and for all.
One hour of learning that includes:
+ A step-by-step guide for identifying the possible source of the leak and carrying out testing.
+ Practical and easy to understand Case Studies and Examples.
+ Advice and recommendations on repair methods.
+Downloadable Checklists and Guides.
Designed for all knowledge and skill levels
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Building industry professionals
We all know how expensive and time consuming balcony leaks are to fix. They eat away at your profit margins, can damage your reputation, lead to legal action against you and take up large amounts of your time and energy. The simple principles in this course can also be applied to many other building leaks and allow you to:
+ Reduce the financial losses that balcony leaks have on your business +
+ Stop wasting time and money fixing possible problems +
+ Fix the real problem once and for all +
+ Get the homeowner off your case +
+ Avoid legal action +
+ Put your time and energy into other projects you have on the go +
Earn CPD points while you learn
This course and other Leak Professionals Training courses earn you Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.
This course has given me the tools to go through a thorough process and identify where the leak is coming from, before spending any money. Then get on with it and fix it once and for all.
- Cale, Building Maintainer
'We'd had a few issues with leaking balconies, so when I saw this course I thought it was worth checking out. There was one project where we'd already pulled up the tiles and re-waterproofed, only to have it leak again. After doing the course I worked out the leak was coming from a split in the cladding. Fixed that and there hasn't been problem since.
I've used Martin's process since and reckon and saved myself thousands and thousands of dollars.
- George, Builder and Developer
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Meet your Instructor
Martin Speller – Leak Detection and Rectification Expert
‘I’ve spent the last 20 odd years diagnosing and repairing thousands of building leaks. I’ve witnessed first hand, the damage leaks do to buildings and the financial impact they have on their owners and the builders who built them. And, every year the problem gets more widespread.
Through The Leak Professionals training courses, I’m sharing my specialist knowledge and tried and tested processes to help the building industry address the issue head on. My courses focus on getting to the root cause of the problem, quickly and efficiently, and fixing it once and for all’.
Over 20 years in the building and construction industry
I’m a qualified Engineer and spent the early part of my career working as a Building and Construction Engineer and Project Manager. This work allowed me to develop an indepth understanding of building design, structures and materials.
I then used my knowledge and experience to build a successful business helping builders and homeowners address and rectify building defects, quickly and cost-effectively. I’ve always really enjoyed this work, helping people to fix problems once and for all. And, over the last 20 years it’s allowed me to develop and fine-tune innovative, thorough and proven processes for diagnosing and resolving building issues – in particular leaks.
You see, leaks are one of, if not, the biggest issues facing the building industry in Australia and around the world. And the problem keeps getting worse and worse. It is costing the building industry and homeowners billions of dollars every year – largely because very few people have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to effectively diagnose the source of a leak and resolve it once and for all.
For this reason I have created The Leak Professionals – an online learning platform that allows me to share my knowledge and tried and tested processes with the industry, to help address the issue.
I’ve always looked for quality, innovation and reliability in both my professional and personal life. It’s the kind of person I am and it’s the kind of business I run. And it is these values that underpin The Leak Professionals.
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions?
If you'd like to ask us anything about the course or the material in it, we'd love to hear from you.
Email us at [email protected]
And if you have any suggestions for other courses you'd like us to develop, we'd love to hear your ideas.